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The Benefits of Candidate-Focused Recruiting

handshakeAmong recruiting firms, there’s a growing shift towards attracting candidates by making their needs and objectives top priority. A recent survey by LinkedIn and Qualigence International points to the “candidate-focused approach” as a primary recruiting trend. What does this mean for hiring firms — and for job seekers?

What candidates want

With a dearth of potential candidates in the IT industry, hiring managers find themselves vying for new employees in a competitive atmosphere. The survey reports that recruiters are focusing on certain areas. For example, 57% plan to ramp up social recruiting efforts, and 17% seek to make more long-term candidate placements.

However, the survey also shows that many recruiters and hiring companies are missing the point. They make mistakes by failing to do things such as taking candidates’ diverse skill sets into account, demonstrating respect during their interactions with candidates, or maintaining consistent communication.

The personal touch

What can businesses do instead? The IT staffing specialists of Chase Technology Consultants (CTC) are experts in attracting high-quality IT candidates from which client companies can find employees that meet their specific requirements. Providing job seekers with a CTC point of contact — a face and a name — helps to humanize the application process, increasing the likelihood that candidates will report a positive experience about an organization’s job application process.

Giving candidates and employers personal attention and building long-term relationships with them is a CTC specialty. Candidates get a career-search advocate; clients get a better match and less turnover. And even better: Using a dedicated, experienced recruiter can help to strengthen an organization’s brand.

Candidate-focused strategies

CTC leverages technology to support a candidate-focused strategy, employing mobile recruiting; better, more personable applicant tracking; social media; and engaging surveys and other methods to gather candidate feedback. Our candidate-focused processes (like the “client-in” and “client meet“) and staffing services encourage the best mutual match for both candidates and employers.

[cta]To find out how CTC can help you facilitate an interview event, contact us at (617) 227-5000 or[/cta]

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