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Will a Recruiting Firm Work on Your Behalf?

Human resourcesYou’re ready for your next career step: Your skills are up to date, you know your strengths, and your resume is ready to tailor for the right company. Will your recruiter convey all that to potential employers?

Many recruiting firms have a reputation for being “resume mills” that send as many candidates as possible to hiring companies, hoping to make a match through sheer volume. This approach exhausts candidates and hiring managers alike. But you don’t have to accept fee-hungry headhunters as the only option; there is an alternative.

A candidate-focused recruiter will actually partner with you and represent you as an individual. The right recruiter will:

  • Take time to know you — Through a face-to-face, personal connection, an effective recruiter learns not only your work history but also who you are and want to be.
  • Understand what you do — It’s difficult for a recruiter to represent software developers well when they don’t actually know what developers do. Find someone who has the IT industry experience and market knowledge to understand the technology skills that you offer and that hiring companies are looking for.
  • Take a targeted approach — Find a professional recruiter who doesn’t just send off stacks of resumes but goes for quality, actually putting in the effort to match functional and cultural good-fits on behalf of both candidates and companies.

Can a recruiter actually highlight your strengths to potential employers? Absolutely. But only when the recruiter knows how to do so and treats you as a person, not a resume.

Getting to know our candidates is at the core of Chase Technology Consultants’ highly successful, unique approach to recruiting: matching #1s. CTC works tirelessly to bring together the #1 candidate choice with the #1 company choice by truly getting to know a candidate’s career aspirations and ideal work environment, then working with the candidate to make his or her dream job a reality.

[cta]To find out how CTC can help you facilitate an interview event, contact us at (617) 227-5000 or[/cta]

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